Gay. Urban. Hot. Downtown. Underwear. Cuties.

Monday, December 27, 2004

What's With The Ads?

Guys, a few of you have asked about the advertising on my blog. Well, they are Google AdSense ads, and, if you have a blog with Blogger, I highly recommend that you sign up. Basically, all you have to do is create an account with Google, then put the code onto your blog that serves the ads. Then, when your visitors click on one of the ads, you get paid. It's really that simple.

You aren't supposed to talk about how much money you are making from AdSense (it's in their terms of service.) But, in general, the ads have been worth the few minutes of effort in getting it set up. If you publish a weblog, try it ... I think you'll thank me for the tip :-)

Obviously, the more traffic you get the better. And, be careful, you are not allowed to ask your visitors to click on the ads or to entice them in any way. But, the ads are usually relevant to the content of your site and many of your visitors will appreciate the links.

So, that's what the ads are all about. No big deal ... they don't make the page take any longer to download and they don't distract from my blog. Let me know if they get on your nerves. If you're a blogger, let me know how they work for you!


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